autore Fabio Fraternali
anno 2017
lingua Inglese
edizione 1
pagine 96 |
formato 11,5 x 20 cm
codice ISBN-13 9788898879236
prezzo € 7,00
contenutoThe purpose of this guidebook is to accompany tourists through the streets of Urbino; a well-docu-mented and light instrument, which informs without ceding to the formulas of a standard literature, designed to suggest an itinerary leading to the progressive knowledge of the town, discovering step by step its monuments, museums, churches and palaces. The text also accounts for the historical events that have outlined the town and its fame over the centuries and that have made of it a celebrated “ca-pital” of the Renaissance; the photos, consistently relating to the text, makes us understand that the grandeur of Urbino is based on the dialogue between the town and the landscape. A town that, with its dimensions and its hilly nature, few times leaves the visitor surrounded by the buildings without him seeing the countryside from an alley or a gradient.
Luigi Bravi |