autore Floria Moscardi
anno 2016
lingua inglese
edizione 1
pagine 96 |
formato 11,5 x 20 cm
codice ISBN-13 9788898879120
prezzo € 7,00
contenutoRome: off the beaten path, dedicated to Italy´s capital, is a follow-up to the Florence edition. It is part of the ‘Le Guide in Tasca´ pocket guide series and has a similar layout to other publications in this series. Unlike Tuscany´s capital city, Rome covers a very large territory, therefore we decided to split the project into three separate volumes (The city within the walls – The city beyond the walls – The subterranean city). The first two volumes explore the city with reference to the Aurelian Walls, taken as the dividing line of the urban fabric. More specifically, the present guide is the first of three volumes making up the project. Many of the featured sites are outdoors (parks, for example), while others have elements referring to Anglo-Saxon culture which may appeal to foreigners touring Rome. Moreover, the sites described are linked by urban trekking routes designed to touch certain specific points of the city (the aim is to familiarise the visitor with some of the more unusual or interesting sites, rather than to privilege the shortest route). |